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Saturday, January 3, 2009

Historical Aged Trial Balance - Microsoft Dynamics GP Hangs

It has been quite some time that the Historical Aged Trial Balance Report seems to process for ever not completing. Decided to get Profession Microsoft support and here is the out come:

  • The report was tried to run for a single vendor - the symptons contined.
  • Monitoring on the Profiler, the process was active and no idication of any exceptions.
  • sp_who2 did not indicate any spid in waiting.
  • Dynamics GP Process monitor did not show any other hanging jobs.
  • The poking around for any signs of problem continued and it was noticed that one of the report options was named "+" - Would this cause a problem ? - The report option set was deleted.
  • Another report was started to add to the process monitory queue, and then attempt was made to suspend and kill the two processes, at this time got a message "Unable to update temp table". Got passed the mesasged and cleared the processes.
  • Cleared the C: Drive to ensure there is at atleast a Gig of space free.
  • Started the run the report for one vendor, it worked, the tried to couple vendors, it worked.
  • Decided it was time to run the the report for the entire set, and was prepared for long haul wait - finally after about an hour the report completed.

So what was the problem ?

  1. "+" Plus sign on report Options caused the report to hang ?
  2. Low Disk Space on C: Drive a reason for temp table to crash letting the report to hang for ever ?
  3. Was it a question of lack of patience to wait for an hour for the report to complete ?
  4. Was it a stuck process which was invisible at the process monitor, which eventually got cleared when the subsequent jobs were cleared with an error message ?

Waiting for analysis.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

No network provider accepted the given network path

Unable to map network drives using windows scripting host object model. Possible resolutions:
  1. Run “sfc /scannow”
  2. Check Make sure you are able to ping the Workstation by FQDN
  3. Check File and Print Sharing For Microsoft Networks From Properties of Local Area Connection are enabled.
  4. Switch share resource definition from \\computername\sharename to \\ipaddress\sharename (http://aplawrence.com/Forum/TonyLawrence2.html)
  5. Check workstation service on client and server service on server (and their dependent services) are running. (http://www.chicagotech.net/troubleshooting/systemerror67.htm). It worked for me after the Net Logon, Messenger,Computer Browser,Distributed File System, Remote Procedure Call Services were restarted. As good as a reboot!

For now OK, but what should be the permanent solution ? GOK.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Time Stamped File Names

This worked for me to generate files with timestamp as part of the name.

dim TimeStampedFileName as string = Now.ToString("MMMddyyyy_HHmmss") & ".log"

Windows Service Timer Fires only once

Problem Script

Public Class FileTransferAgentService

Protected Overrides Sub OnStart(ByVal args() As String)
Dim FTATimer As System.Threading.Timer
Const timerInterval As Integer = 60000
Dim timerDelegate As Threading.TimerCallback = AddressOf EventAction
FTATimer = New System.Threading.Timer(timerDelegate, Me, timerInterval, timerInterval)
EventLog.WriteEntry("FTA started.")
End Sub

End Class

Solution Script: Delcare the Timer thread as Global to the Class:

Public Class FileTransferAgentService

Dim FTATimer As System.Threading.Timer
Const timerInterval As Integer = 60000
Dim timerDelegate As Threading.TimerCallback = AddressOf EventAction

Protected Overrides Sub OnStart(ByVal args() As String)
FTATimer = New System.Threading.Timer(timerDelegate, Me, timerInterval, timerInterval)
EventLog.WriteEntry("FTA started.")
End Sub

End Class
Vista Home Edition Issues encountered when installing a windows service created by visual studio 2008

  1. Could not find the InstallUtil.exe - Check %WinDir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\InstallUtil.exe
  2. Error Message: no public installers with the runinstallerattribute.yes - Add installers to the Windows service project. (Right click on the service project design page and add installers)
  3. Access denied when installing the service. - Create a short cut to cmd.exe and run it as administrator.
  4. No mapping between account names and security IDs was done - Check the user account selected for running service exists. The message is Greek version of saying "Account does not exist"